News & Current Affairs

Pakistan violates FATF conditions. Is it liable to be sanctioned again?

Pakistan has failed to stop terrorist organisations from using their Non-Profit Organisations (NPOs) to raise and transfer funds for keeping them operational despite promises...

#Rigging101: How the Pakistani military ensures elections are never free or fair in the country?

As Pakistani elections loom, the country’s terror networks - many with links to the Pakistani military - are attacking politicians with deadly bombings. Since the...

Pakistan denied entry to one of the world’s largest air shows in France

Pakistan was denied entry and was not sent an invitation to the world’s largest and most well-known airshow in Paris according to insider reports....

Is the far-left in France apologist to the Islamist cause and Muslim countries?

The political far left in France has been often accused of being apologist to Islamist groups and countries. An example of this nexus between Islamists...

Pakistani PM Shahbaz Sharif’s fails to gather support for country at the Paris Summit

Pakistani PM Shehbaz Sharif was in Paris for the Summit for a New Global Financial Pact, where he was to appeal on behalf of...

Pakistani government bows down to Islamist extremist group TLP. Signs agreement. Sets up Counter Blasphemy Wing.

The Tehreek-e-Labbaik Pakistan (TLP), a radical Islamist extremist group has gained further political capital in the country as the federal government over the last...

Did Pakistani PM Shehbaz Sharif get snubbed in Turkiye at the oath-taking ceremony of President Erdoğan?

According to insider reports, the Pakistani Foreign Ministry has expressed concerns that the Turkish side did not accord the level of importance expected for...

A rising and worrying trend in attacks against Chinese nationals in Pakistan: Exclusive Report

Pakistan-China partnership has existed for decades and since 2014, with the announcement of the China Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), for which China wants to...

How are Turkey and Pakistan linked to the Qatargate scandal?

A prominent Turkish human rights legal consultant who accused India of "war crimes against Kashmiri Muslims" admitted to paying one of the suspects in...